Miceare E500 / 500 (Cree) Celing Dome Dome Lome Light Light

Whakaahuatanga poto:

E500 / 500 (Cree) Hospital Iti ohorere Gynecology Cental Chenol Clinic

Waho vet ventar shaditionsure felasure docus of docues cester ot or op colie colie silical leargical viey


Hoahoa maeneene, papa kore. Hangarau nui me te pai o nga hua o te tae (Green + Blue + Whero o te Whakaahua, me te 64pcs pai rawa atu i roto i tana akomanga R9 99 , Ko te whakatikatika i te mata Matapihi mata me te momo rereketanga o te maama, avelb

Nga kiko o te hua

Tags hua


Tauira Korero E700 / 700 E700 / 500 E500 / 500
Ngaohiko 95 ~ 245V, 50 / 60Hz 95 ~ 245V, 50 / 60Hz 95 ~ 245V, 50 / 60Hz
He whakamarama i te tawhiti o te 1 m (lux) 93,000-18,000 / 93,000-18,000 93,000-18,000 / 83,000-16,000 83,000-16,000 / 83,000-16,000
Ka taea te whakarite 10-100% (12stesp) 10-100% (12stesp) 10-100% (12stesp)
Diameter upoko rama 700mm / 700mm 700mm / 500mm 500mm / 500mm
Tuhinga o mua 64pcs / 64pcs 64pcs / 40pcs 40pcs / 40pcs
Ko te pāmahana tae ka taea te whakarite 3800-5000k (12steps) 3800-5000k (12steps) 3800-5000k (12steps)
Tae te reanga index ra 96 96 96
Tae reanga index r9 (whero) 98 98 98
Te rahi o te mara rama e taea te whakarite 150-350mm / 150-350mm 150-350mm / 90-260mm 90-260mm / 90-260mm
Te Tapeke Whakawhiwhinga Flux 364W / M2 364W / M2 364W / M2
Aratau Endoscopy Green + Blue + Whero Green + Blue + Whero Green + Blue + Whero
Aratau Aratau Endoscopy 8pcs / 8pcs 8pcs / 8pcs 8pcs / 8pcs
Whakamarama mo te aratau endo-aratau 15% 18% 20%
Aratau Endoscopy tonu Green + Blue + Whero + White Green + Blue + Whero + White Green + Blue + Whero + White
Ko nga LEDOSCOPY katoa 16pcs / 16pcs 16pcs / 16pcs 16pcs / 16pcs
Whakamarama mo te aratau endo-aratau 25% 30% 40%
Te ora ratonga 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs
Nga rauemi matua Konumohe Konumohe Konumohe
Ko te koki huri o te ringa > 360 ° > 360 ° > 360 °
Te kohi kaha 120W 120W 120W
Te mana whakauru 400W 400W 400W
Huānga whakahaere Mana Whakahaere Mana Whakahaere Mana Whakahaere
Te whakatauranga tiaki tiaki maama IP54 + Fireproof IP54 + Fireproof IP54 + Fireproof
Te hohonu o te whakamarama L1 + 12 1400MM 1200mm 1100MM
Taumaha taumaha 700 + 700 = 52kgs 700 + 500 = 49kgs 500 + 500 = 46kgs
Whakamatā 3 nga kaata rakau 3 nga kaata rakau 3 nga kaata rakau
Mata mata lcd Kāre herea Kāre herea Kāre herea
Hoki atu pākahiko (4-6HRS) Kāre herea Kāre herea Kāre herea
Te utunga utu mo te Kōhanga Kāre herea Kāre herea Kāre herea
Kāmera a-roto / waho (20x) Kāre herea Kāre herea Kāre herea
Aroturuki me te ringa taapiri (21 inihi) Kāre herea Kāre herea Kāre herea
Te mana whakatuu Kāre herea Kāre herea Kāre herea

823-cree 本 .jpg

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